RandomBox - Draw lots, Numbers




Random Box is a simple and easy App to Generate Random Numbers, Roulette, Random Draw Lots, And Create and Draw List items.The apps feature is below:General - Random Number Pick - Dice Roller - Quick DrawList Features - Q & A - Wheel Pick - List Draw - List Grouping - List CombinationEveryone will experience the most difficult problem in the world, always wondering what to eat for lunch, dinner, or breakfast? What am I going to buy? So many choices! How do I decide?Let the Random Box help you decide!Custom lists combine your exclusive list and solve your problems for you in the way you like.If you don’t know how to start, the Random Box provides you with a sample list! It helps you create your first list of data.In addition to customizing the list and selecting, it also provides other random options, such as dice and random numbers, and the dice even provide the bluffing mode.What else can the Random Box do? It can also help you make a group team! By creating a list of names and matching list groups, you can easily group without burden!It also provides the random number picks that you can set options for the number result and provides the list pick function that you can create the list of names and items as well and randomly pick one.You can make some creative list to let the function have a game way that the default list has a sample for this. Try and create it that belongs to you.Language support - English - 日本語 - 한국어 - 中文(繁體) - 中文(簡體) - Deutsch - Tiếng Việt - Indonesia - ภาษาไทย - भारतीय भाषा - Pусский - Português - Español - Français - Italiano - Tagalog